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SAP 교육은 SAP의 지식과 기술을 다양한 교육커리큘럼과 서비스를 통해 보다 효율적으로 제공하고, 지속적이고 종합적인 교육을 위한 설계와 이행을 도와드립니다.
* IT 투자 대비 수익 향상
* 비즈니스 프로세스 관리의 효율화와 고급화
* 업무능력향상으로 인한 총비용 절감
* 시스템 이해도 향상으로 인한 비즈니스 위험 완화
Technology > Advanced SAPUI5 Development (UX402) |
과정 개요 |
This course is designed to give participants the opportunity to gain a much deeper and advanced understanding of the SAPUI5 development framework and overall SAP User Experience design principles and tools for building more advanced level robust SAP Fiori apps. Learners will engage in coding with MVC advanced UI Controls, gain an understanding of basic and advanced data handling techniques, learn how to implement custom controls, how to reuse controls using libraries, and explore advanced scenarios with working in teams via GIT.
By way of hands-on exercises, learners will gain practical experience while they build their own SAP Fiori applications using SAPUI5 and cloud-based development tools. These hands-on exercises will also give learners a competitive head start into the framework’s more advanced development features.
과정 목표 |
▷ Describe the basic and advanced features of the SAP SAPUI5 framework ▷ Explain the SAPUI5 application architectures ▷ Perform advanced development techniques ▷ Implement custom controls and elements and reuse them via UI- libraries ▷ Experience working in teams with GIT in SAP SAPUI5 projects ▷ Develop custom SAP Fiori applications using SAP Cloud Platform, SAP SAPUI5, Web IDE, and other tools and services available for developers
교육 대상 |
Describe the basic and advanced features of the SAP SAPUI5 framework o Explain the SAPUI5 application architectures Perform advanced development techniques Implement custom controls and elements and reuse them via UI-libraries Experience working in teams with GIT in SAP SAPUI5 projects Develop custom SAP Fiori applications using SAP Cloud Platform, SAP SAPUI5, Web IDE, and other tools and services available for developers
교육 내용 |
Lesson: Describing SAP User Experience Strategy Lesson: Explaining SAP User Experience Tools and Technologies "Lesson: Describing SAP User Experience Use Case for Building Fiori- like Apps " Lesson: Performing an MVC Architecture Review Lesson: Binding Data to a UI5 Control Lesson: Describing Best Practices for SAPUI5 Applications Lesson: Implementing App Navigation Lesson: Implementing a Full-screen Application Lesson: Implementing a Master-Detail Application Lesson: Working with Messages Lesson: Describing Key Responsive Design Controls Lesson: Extending Standard Controls Lesson: Describing Custom Controls Lesson: Creating Control and Component Libraries Lesson: Implementing XML Composite Lesson: Implementing Unit Tests with Qunit Lesson: Implementing One-Page Acceptance (OPA) Tests Lesson: Describing Remote vs. Local OData Services Lesson: Working with the MockServer Lesson: Working with the ODataModel Lesson: Describing OData Deep Inserts Lesson: Introducing SAPUI5 Smart Controls Lesson: Working with SAPUI5 Smart Controls Lesson: Introducing SAP Fiori Elements Lesson: Introducing SAPUI5 Flexibility Lesson: Explaining Extension Points Lesson: Describing Other Types of Extensibility in SAPUI5 Lesson: Working with GIT Lesson: Working with GIT Repositories Lesson: Working with Branches